
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I was immediately inspired to want to dye the bag with marigold flowers. So I went to one of my favorite resources for learning about and supplying materials for natural dying – Botanical Colors. Their free articles and tutorials are in depth and valuable for learning the step-by-step processes. And it is indeed a process […]

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I knew when we were getting near the Summer Solstice last year (2020) that it was time to harvest St. John’s Wort to make oil. I had recently signed up for Kami McBride’s Herbal Oils course and was excited to try to make it, but I had never seen the plant in person, and wasn’t […]

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X-mas Stockings

I didn’t feel the crafting inspiration bug all year until a friend asked if I might be willing to make x-mas stockings for her newest family members. It was such a sweet idea and was the perfect skill upgrade project for me and I excitedly agreed. I found a great video tutorial to guide me […]

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Sock mending

Not long after I first ventured onto Instagram in the Fall of 2017 I won a contest offered by The Far Woods for a small sweet mending kit that included a mending booklet and supplies. I was so excited to learn the skills to save socks that I loved and that were perfectly fine except […]

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odds and ends…

Well, in the almost year since my last post I haven’t been up to making exactly nothing, just not enough to really blog about, but the accumulation of all of the odds and ends, bits and bobs, kind of makes up a proper blog post. I ended 2017 by indulging my inner poet by reading […]

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a barn quilt…

A barn quilt? What’s that? Good question. On a drive through Sierra county last fall, Sean and I came upon some interesting art on the buildings of the small town of Sierraville.  Brightly colored geometric shapes painted on a square piece of wood hung near the doors of the local café and Mexican restaurant.  You […]

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a broom…

In November I took a broom making workshop at Ink Paper Plate in Point Reyes Station, a warm and cozy printmaking and art class space. It was taught by Bethany Ridenour of Bristle and Stick. We gathered our broomcorn (aka Sorghum) provided for us. We collected it in piles at our feet and got to […]

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a basket…

Back in September (2017) I went to a two day basket making workshop at Kule Loklo in Point Reyes, a recreated Miwok village, taught by Julia Parker and her daughter Lucy. Julia is a national treasure.  She has worked diligently her whole adult life to learn, preserve, teach and creatively express her craft and skill […]

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Sean was so inspired at the Fibershed Symposium back in November (2016) that he decided he wanted to learn how to knit (and weave, spin, felt, etc.)  So I promptly taught him how to knit and he worked on his first scarf over the next many weeks. At the same time I decided to knit […]

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For Winter Solstice this year I made small jars of handmade lotion as gifts.  In the past I have made salves and hydrosols.  Making lotion is like combining those two things.  And this is where the magic of emulsification comes in.  Mixing fat and water, which doesn’t usually work well, works beautifully with the added […]

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